
New to voice lessons? These are the books you are going to need.

Most voice teachers start with Italian. It’s one of the simpler languages to sing for newbies and gives a new singer a great intro into classical music. These 24 songs are classics, many singers have sung through the whole book in the their early lessons. The books below are split into two voices Medium High (for Soprano and Tenor Voices) and Medium Low (for Alto and Bass Voices) choose the right one, you’ll definitely be needing it.

24 Italian Songs and Arias for Medium High Voice or Soprano/Tenor Voices 24 Italian Songs and Arias for Medium Low Voice or Bass/Alto Voices


After singing through some great art songs and feeling like a regular Met soloist it’s time to work on your vocal agility. The Vaccai method is a traditional and as the title-suggests “practical” approach to voice training. It doesn’t have pretty art songs but rather complicated vocal patterns that will develop your ear and flexibility. When you’re ready to start exploring pick up Vaccai. Below they are listed for High Voice and Low or or 

Vaccai for Soprano or Tenor Vaccai for Mezzo or Bari